Sister project

In the Project Environment dialog, [project] > Sister Project contains configuration objects used by Sister Project Management.

Export settings

In the Project Environment dialog, [project] > Sister Project > Export Settings contains export settings used by Sister Project Management.

These configuration objects are created in Plant Modeller as described in Create export settings.

An export settings configuration object defines the following:

  • The model query that selects which COS objects to export.
  • The target project that imports the data.


In the Project Environment dialog, [project] > Sister Project > Query allows you to define model queries for sister project export. The model query defines which objects are included when exporting data from the source project to the target project. Also dependent objects that the query does not specifically select are exported, as described in Sister project model query and dependent objects.

These configuration objects are created in the project database as described in Create model query for sister project export.

Important: If a sister project model query is modified after it has been used for exporting sister project data, any objects that were included in the previous query, but are not included in the revised one, will no longer be exported. Consequently, these objects will be removed from the target project in the next export–import cycle, unless they have been unlinked from Sister Project Management in the target project.

Related Topics

Sister project tutorial